Please join our action for Earth Day! It would be awesome to see your placards!
Date: 22 April 2022
Time: 12 noon
Place: Midland Park, Wellington
We will march and cycle (if you have a bike) towards Parliament, singing “Do it now” (listen to the song on YouTube).
Our special guest is Mike Joy, a New Zealand freshwater ecologist, science communicator and author of the book “Polluted Inheritance, New Zealand’s Freshwater Crisis”.
We will bring some protest signs to Midland Park in case you don’t already have one.
At 1.30pm we will meet with Jan Logie and hand over our demands for a future that does not rely on fossil fuels.
This will be followed by a chance for people from all the groups present to speak.
We want our government to take action, fast. Join us in calling for a just transition and investment in our planet.
Decarbonise now!
Planet and people – not profit!
We need nature needs us!
This event is a joint action with 350.org and Picnics in Parks.
Keep updated by visiting the Facebook event, which has the schedule for the day and a handy little map.
Earth Day event in Auckland
If you are in Auckland, you won’t miss out! Fridays for Future Tamaki Makaurau is also doing an Earth Day action, along with Holding Space Aotearoa and Miro Hall-Jones.