Friday 29 March is Good Friday, so instead of protesting against Fonterror at Midland Park we will be chowing down on hot cross buns with our respective families.
Make a submission against the Fast-track Approvals Bill – more submission guides added (13/4/24)
The New Zealand Government has introduced a Fast-Track Approvals Bill in Parliament, which threatens to undermine the vital process of public consultation on large-scale infrastructure projects and resource consents.
The Bill grants unchecked authority to a select group of Ministers, while limiting input from experts, Tangata Whenua, advocacy organisations, and the public.
It would strip away the mandate for adequate public consultation on projects such as:
- intensive barns
- winter grazing
- fish farms
- marine developments and
- dairy intensification.
Learn more about the bill on the Greenpeace website.
Please consider making a submission to fight this bill. Submissions close on Friday 19 April.
If you missed Forest and Bird’s submission Zoom, don’t worry. You can use:
Update on 5 April Climate Strikes

Here are the details for the climate strike in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington
Time: 12 noon
Venue: Meet at Te Ngākau Civic Square, marching to Parliament at 12.30pm.
With so much at stake, it’s never been more important for us to stand united for climate justice and social justice. This is an intergenerational strike.
Find out the demands, on the SS4CNZ website.
Bring your placards, and join us at 12 noon at Civic Square!!
See details on the SS4C Pōneke Facebook event.
Climate strikes all over New Zealand
Check the SS4C NZ Facebook events page for details of climate strikes elsewhere in New Zealand.