We sent a second letter to the Minister of Finance, the Prime Minister, the Minister for Climate Change, the Minster of Transport and the leader of the National Party.
We are still here outside your office Mr Robertson.
25 March 2022 is Fridays for Future’s World Action Day.The catastrophic climate scenario we are now experiencing is the result of centuries of exploitation of people and planet, and a socio-economic model that is flawed and needs to be replaced. The everlasting-growth model based on cheap and dirty oil, primarily through corporations, governments, and the affluent from the global north and its colonies. It is destroying the Earth and many of its occupants (fauna, flora and people).
We need action now: political action to create a circular economy with zero waste, zero emissions and zero exploitation.
For 3 years, we as citizens who care about the climate and biodiversity emergency, have been standing vigil – first at Parliament, then for the last month outside your electorate office in Willis St.
We are protesting to demand a green budget that prioritises our environment and commits to an equitable system. A system that cares for the marginalised and where the corporations and those responsible for pollution pay for cleaning up and creating green options.
Put on your green Hat Mr Robertson and deliver a budget embedded in nature!
We want a redistribution (and in most cases, a collectivisation) of wealth and political power. This must be inclusive and acknowledge the wisdom of people’s assemblies, and fully include indigenous knowledge as part of Te Tiriti both at local and national levels.
We are the people; hear our voice. We are the people; hear our choice.
We choose for an economic model embedded in protecting nature.
Invest in Papatuanuku.
Care for planet and people.#PLANET AND PEOPLE, NOTPROFIT
With the utmost sincerity,
Fridays for Future Aotearoa (Wellington)