Tēnā koe Jacinda Ardern, kōrua ko Trevor Mallard,
A mātou mihi o te wā Matariki ki a kōrua, rangatira mā
We protestors welcome your support of peaceful protest – and invite you to support a positive response to climate change. Parliament itself could help heal the planet! with a “tiny forest” of natives at one of the gates, nourished by biochar which promotes soil development while it sequesters carbon. This would bring birds from Zealandia right to Parliament.
The photos below are of the Nelson Biochar Forest which is a mere 100 square meters – the fastest growing plants have reached over 2 meters in height 14 months after planting.
The unnecessarily wide steps from the cenotaph to the beehive could give room for a tiny forest plantation; otherwise the sloping lawn near the upper gate from Molesworth St.
Attached below are some references on Miyawaki forests. Please give this urgent consideration – the planting season is upon us!
Nā mātou noa, nā,
Molly Melhuish, supported by Caz, Violet, Francesca, Sue, Mick, Paul, Tim, Kit
Microforests to heal the planet and cool the cities
New Zealand’s first microforest in Nelson demonstrates the advantages of planting trees and shrubs by the Miyawaki method in even tiny spaces.
Planted just 14 months ago on carefully prepared soil augmented by biochar, the tallest plants in the Nelson Microforest are now over 2 meters high. The canopy cover is already suppressing weeds, and after another year or two will require no maintenance at all.
The method was developed by Akiro Miyawaki in the 1970s, using all the species found in the natural forest on the soil and climate of a district.
It was quickly taken up by corporates such as Toyota, by Yokohama National University, and by many local bodies, to bring biodiversity to the cities and protect them from flood, tsunami, and fire:
Wellington needs an inner city green belt / block to promote biodiversity + human wellbeing
In the Netherlands Tiny Forests has also taken off and is being planted with the help of school children. Our Children are our future.
We would welcome planting the first forest at parliament together with young people and local iwi.
Manaaki whenua. Manaaki tangata. Hāere whakamua
Care for the land. Care for the people. Go forward.