Because of Omicron we will not to do a special action for 25 March (the Fridays for Future Global Day of Action).
But we are connecting with climate groups in Auckland and Wellington to organise something for Earth Day 2022. The theme for this year is “Invest in our planet“.
Please come to the virtual Climate Justice potluck on 31 March
The second climate justice potluck will be an online Zoom for everyone’s health, safety and wellbeing.
The aim is to get together, share our mahi and ideas, and organise an event for the upcoming Earth Day (April 22nd).
When: 5:30-6:30pm, 31st of March (Thursday)
Where: Zoom link here (Meeting ID: 824 7291 4306 Passcode: 136950 )
5:30pm – Karakia and introductions/updates from individuals/orgs
5:50pm – Moving towards an Earth Day event and actions to get there
6:25pm – Closing
The climate justice potlucks are hosted by 350 Aotearoa, Generation Zero, Fossil Free State Sector and Sustainability Trust.
If you can’t make it to the climate justice potluck but want to do some action for Earth Day, get in touch with us!