A one-day workshop for creative rangatahi (that’s you) to come together and envision what
Te Whanganui-a-Tara’s food systems could look like by 2050 — the wilder and more
whimsical, the better!
When and Where?
20 Nov 2021
10 – 6pm
Innermost Gardens, Matairangi/Mt Victoria
We’ll also have:
– interactive installations
– delicious kai
– big fun!
There’ll be urban agriculture experts, artists, and speculative designers (future thinkers) there to guide the generation and communication of future food ideas. Decision-makers will arrive in the evening to hear about the day’s outcomes and meet our young changemakers over a BBQ futures feast produced by local chefs.
The garden will be an in-context site for all of these groups of people to meet, listen, share, and potentially collaborate, moving ideas beyond this initial workshop.
It’s shaping up to be a hugely impactful youth event. We’re looking for young people between the ages of 15 and 25 who are interested in:
– community gardening and urban farming
– indigenous food sovereignty and climate action
– waste minimisation and creative reuse sustainability-focused cooking, foraging and mahinga kai
– eco architecture and urban planning (edible green spaces) storytelling for social change
Please RSVP via email to Alex alex@bgi.org.nz!
Please note FFF Aotearoa NZ isn’t involved in organising this event, we are simply standing in solidarity with BGI, Grow Space Wellington and The Sustainability Trust.