A committed group last week included Jesse Richardson (running for the Wellington Central seat as in independent on on a climate action platform), Sophia Honey from Vic Roots and Shoots (with the ‘Climate Action Now’ sign) and Jessica Hammond (Ohairiu candidate for TOP.

Hunger Strike: from Robin to Sue

This week saw a community spread case of COVID19 in Auckland, causing a switch to level 3 in Auckland and level 2 for the rest of the country. The Strike continues however; now with social distancing measures.
From today (August 13) Sue Boyde picks up the Hunger Strike with a plan to carry it for three weeks. Rick will pick it up from there.
Something you can do from home.
Aurelie Bray has a petition before Parliament for the recognition of a Non Proliferation Treaty for fossil fuels. You can sign it here:
The treaty recognises that fossil fuels are now a greater threat to humanity that nuclear weapons, and builds on the treaty that was used to address that threat. You can read more about it here:
If you can come during the week.

The hunger strikers have a crew providing basic support but always welcome some supporters to help with talking to people about climate change and sharing information. Any weekday between 10 and 4 would be great. You can get in touch or indicate you’ll be around by joining the FaceBook event or the MeetUp group.
There is plenty of handout and information material, and the visitors are generally friendly and supportive. Sue and team would love to see you.
Otherwise, we’ll see you on Friday!