E Tū: First week of fasting.

The numbers are steadily growing again, back on the lawn. This is of course aided by the presence of E Tū for Future, the hunger strikers who are now well into their first week of fasting.

Supporting the E Tū strikers:

They have been fasting since Monday morning. As time goes on they will need more and more help with some of the physical bits and pieces: carrying gear, watching over and talking with the public, keeping spirits up, and recording stuff for social media.

Please think about volunteering to go on the E Tū WhatsApp group. This will enable the holder of the E Tū phone to send quick messages to you all to call out for assistance. It’s also an easy way for you to let them know when you’ll be around.

This would be a huge help. You can install WhatsApp on your phone or use it on the web. Please contact mailto:admin@etu4future.nz or reply to this email.

Getting involved when you’re out of town:

If you can’t make it to parliament but want to get involved we want to hear from you! There are loads of things we can do together to push for change:

  • you could have an event nearer to your home, on the days that suit you
  • you could attend at parliament by streaming
  • you could get an account on this site and add content, or contribute to the social media accounts
  • you could participate in international online events

Get in touch and tell us your ideas! mailto:admin@fridaysforfuture.nz

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